Compadres Give Day
The Chandler Compadres will present donation proceeds to it's beneficiaries from the 2016/17 fundraising year. #compadresgive
The Chandler Compadres will present donation proceeds to it's beneficiaries from the 2016/17 fundraising year. #compadresgive
The Chandler Compadres travel north to kick off the year towards raising funds for our charities.
Better than a backstage pass, the 2017 Rock the Cause for Kids music- inspired event is your chance to Party Like a Rock Star. Got Moves Like Jagger? Feeling some Nirvana Teen Spirit? Ready to Vogue and strike a pose as your favorite music star? Live the dream! Mark your calendars and get ready to […]
Help us collect Toys for underprivileged kids. Bring an new unwrapped Toy (or more) and enjoy BBQ, Music and dancing.
Today at Midnight is the last day to get your 2017 Arizona State Qualified Charitable Tax Credit Submitted. Click the link below to DONATE!