Compadres Give Day
The Chandler Compadres will present donation proceeds to it's beneficiaries from the 2016/17 fundraising year. #compadresgive
The Chandler Compadres will present donation proceeds to it's beneficiaries from the 2016/17 fundraising year. #compadresgive
The Chandler Compadres travel north to kick off the year towards raising funds for our charities.
Better than a backstage pass, the 2017 Rock the Cause for Kids music- inspired event is your chance to Party Like a Rock Star. Got Moves Like Jagger? Feeling some Nirvana Teen Spirit? Ready to Vogue and strike a pose as your favorite music star? Live the dream! Mark your calendars and get ready to […]
Help us collect Toys for underprivileged kids. Bring an new unwrapped Toy (or more) and enjoy BBQ, Music and dancing.